Education is regarded as a change in the conduct of an individual’s life. It could also mean the improvement of a man’s ability to make decisions as to the best alternatives available in any given situation. It can also be seen as the process of development of a person to prepare him for upcoming challenges at any given time. Most scholars have defined education as adjustment ability to the dynamic state of our environment. Education goes beyond just economic investment, but has become an important aspect upon which life, survival and the growth of man is dependent on. The responsibility of almost everyone in a nation is to educate, either as parents, children, teachers, relatives working in the private and public sector. According to the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS), Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of children out of school. About one-fifth of children between the ages of 6 to 11 are out of school, one-third of youths between the ages of 12 and 14 are also out of school. It went further to state that about 60% of youths between age 15 and 17 are also not in school. Education is seen as a fundamental human right throughout an individual’s life and the access must be matched by quality (UNESCO, 2019). However, with the different issues and problems, the starring role of education is to ensure there are chances for everyone to get fully developed. Education serves as a means for equipping children, youths and adults alike to participate fully in the transformation of their societies. In learning, the major focus should on the attitudes, behaviors and the values that primarily enable humans to live together in diverse world. Therefore, it can be said that education has a fundamental long term function in the development of a proper knowledge and understanding of their basic human rights, what value base they represent and the required skills needed to strengthen the democratic culture.
The role of education in the development of a new generation, adept in proffering solutions to real world problems in the society is inevitable. As the population keeps growing, most people are increasingly not satisfied about their level of education, and are seeking to smash higher grounds to meet the every changing demands of the contemporary society. There is no wonder; people put their money, time and even health on the line in order to attain a certain level of education, because they understand that education, in its entirety, is their passport to a better tomorrow and a brighter future. The school also has a major part to play in supporting the development of youths towards a positive sense of ethnic identity. Some institutions organize several programs, like sports that help to build a certain sense of interactions among people from different parts of the society. (Ashour, 2014) in his article on education stated that any society that encourages the education of its individuals tends to secure the professionalism of their human resources, that would play a major part in managing their development factors, therefore helping in establishing strong social, political and economic stability.
The UNESCO proposed that education for sustainable development is focused on helping individuals improve on their behaviors, skills, knowledge and broadens their perspectives. This ensures they are able to make informed decisions for themselves, now and in the future. Education is also seen as systematic efforts focused on developing the society, in a bid to provide the necessary value, knowledge, skill and behavior among the members of the society in a bid to enhance their different potentials and abilities they have. According to the (UNDP, 2019) the relationship that existed between the intellectuals and the different social variables must be strengthened in order to achieve a positive change in the community
Education plays a very important role in the achievement of quality living and this is as a result of the fact that education is extremely necessary in a man’s life. It is a very important vehicle in changing the paradigm shift of one’s life. Generally, education is related to delivering skills, distributing information and creating value. Evidently, every individual that is fully equipped with the required knowledge is able to internalize and apply the knowledge in everyday life. As regards children and youth, education is an ever continuing process of their development, that enables them apply this knowledge in preparation for the future. Thus, education is a major facet for development of any modern community because a society diminishes, when there is a deficit of educated people.